Gli OsseltioN nascono nella contorta mente di Ulag (Deathcvlt, In Lacrimaes Et Dolor, Feasting, Kthâvâ, SorGHuM, Blackhorn Terror Crew) nel 2008.
Lo seguiranno degli oscuri figuri che rispondono al nome di Grak e Ruglud (In Lacrimaes Et Dolor, SorGHuM, Never Too Extreme series, ex Concept Project, Los Talker).
Lo stile creato è un mix di Death Metal vecchio stampo, Thrash, Grindcore, Elettronica, sprazzi di Metalcore, e negli ultimi tempi, alcune incursioni Black Metal.
Il nome scelto per questo chaos sonoro è Extreme Deformed Metal.
La band è, e rimarrà, uno studio project, dove la sua follia può trovare massimo compimento.
Dal 2018 Grak scompare dalla scena, lasciando la band ad oramai un duo.
OsseltioN was born in the twisted mind of Ulag (Deathcvlt, In Lacrimaes Et Dolor, Feasting, Kthâvâ, SorGHuM, Blackhorn Terror Crew) in 2008.
He will be followed by obscure characters who respond to the name of Grak and Ruglud (In Lacrimaes Et Dolor, SorGHuM, Never Too Extreme series, ex Concept Project, Los Talker).
The style set is a mix of old-school Death Metal, Thrash, Grindcore, Electronics, flashes of Metalcore, and in recent times, some Black Metal raids.
The name chosen for this sound-chaos is Extreme Deformed Metal.
The band is, and will remain, a studio project, where its madness can find maximum fulfillment.
From 2018 Grak disappears from the scene, leaving now the band to a duo.
--LAST WORDS (2012-SG Records/Skull Bones Flag Productions)
--DIGITAL/PRIMORDIAL (2016-SG Records/Skull Bones Flag Productions)
--STABS OF TIME (single 2019-Skull Bones Flag Productions)
--THE PATH, THE KEY AND THE UNLIGHT (single 2021-Skull Bones Flag Productions)
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